
November 5, 2014 - McLean, VA


Marshall Monroe Announces Next Generation Publishing Platform MIXONIUM™ at Exclusive National Military Intelligence Association Fall Symposium.

Today Entrepreneur and Emerging Media Thought Leader Marshall Monroe announced that the Final Beta of the new MIXONIUM™ Rich Media Publishing platform has gone live at The platform is a revolutionary new concept in managing and sharing information, integrating a proprietary "Agile Dashboards" data model and service.

"Mash Media - Mobilized..."


May 25, 2014 - Great Falls, Montana


Sletten Cancer Institute Acquires s/n 002 of Digital PIXoils Masterwork Hungry Fox Equinox.

The pioneering Sletten Cancer Institute has extended their leadership in technology for healing with the acquisition of a monumental PIXoils artwork by acclaimed artist R. Tom Gilleon and Marshall Monroe. The unique digital painting artwork contains a winter landscape that evolves with an Aurora Borealis and feather-like flurries of falling snow.

Contemporary Art Goes Modern


March 27, 2014 - Great Falls, Montana


Marshall Monroe Addresses Distinguished Audience at The Russell, a unique Art Auction and Show that raised $6.5M for the advancement of the C.M. Russell Museum.

Serial Innovator and Storyteller Marshall Monroe gave an inspired presentation on how Art can be used to help us preserve core values while pioneering forward into the future. The message, entitled "The Wagon Boss," was tailored to the audience of sophisticated art collectors and philanthropists who support the genre of Western Art in America, setting the stage for a record-setting art auction.

The Art of Ideas...


July 4, 2013 - Santa Fe, New Mexico


Marshall Monroe MAGIC has Delivers Stunning Tree of Life Concept for Interactive and Immersive Attraction for Natural History Museum.

Veteran Exhibition and Show Creative Designer Marshall Monroe has delivered the preliminary concept for a new attraction in New Mexico's Natural History Museum. The attraction integrates massive rockwork setpieces, colorful lighting effects and hologram illusions like Pepper's Ghost to creaate a space of fantasy and organic realism that appeals to kids of all ages.

Immersive Inspiration


April 1, 2013 - Mora, New Mexico


Marshall Monroe Creative Retreat & Training Center opens in Northern New Mexico Wilderness.

Construction has been completed on the Magic Canyon Ranch Cantina Guest Quarters. The facility is part of the 1,100-acre wilderness resort and training center founded by Marshall Monroe. "We are pioneering some new ideas in ...ideas," said Monroe, "and we like a setting in the wild for our far-ranging dialogue on what is next as we transform our worlds together."

Magic Canyon Ranch


November 16, 2012 - Albuquerque, New Mexico

M. Monroe TEDx 2012

Marshall Monroe Presents His Model for Creative Excellence, Quantum Leap Mechanics and Magic at TED Meeting.

In a compact but conceptually expansive 14-minute live presentation, Marshall Monroe gave a packed auditorium a look into his thought process and framework for creating innovation results in fields from informatics and mobile apps to Theme Park Attractions and Stage Shows."

"Quantum Leap Mechanics™"


July 7, 2012 - San Francisco

Spaceport America Construction

Industry bellweather magazine Internet Retailer features Marshall Monroe MAGIC navive app for iPad.

The article features a glowing endorsement for the revolutionary interface and visceral experience MMMagic created for the official app for iPad. The title of the article sums up the definition of Mobile Magic perfectly:

"Rich, Unique, ...Profitabzzle."


May 4, 2012 - Hollywood, CA

Spaceport America Construction

Disney's Comic Book Epic, The Avengers opens to worldwide box office records - with a $207.4 million opening weekend.. The production was shot in New Mexico, using New Mexico economic incentives and local crews.

Marshall Monroe, as chair of the New Mexico Film and Media Industries Advisory Cousel, spearheaded the strategic plan which resulted in the incentives program. This economic development program has resulted in over $4 billion in economic impact since its inception.
"It is so great to see the results of our long-range planning and innovations at the public policy level paying off in such a dramatic way. Everyone deserves recognigion for this success - the crews, the legislators, and the supportive citizens of New Mexico," said Marshall Monroe.

Addendum: June, 26, 2012, The Avengers became the third movie evrer to earn over $600 million in domestic box office. Worldwide gross at this point for the film is an astonishing $1.44 billion.

November 17, 2010 - San Francisco

Spaceport America Construction

MMMagic and #1 On-Line Wine Retailer Announce Ultimate iPad App for Wine Lovers

The app is a revolutionary multi-touch shopping and content experience which delivers rich information on thousands of wines.

"This app is the first initiative from our mobile strategy studio, and it shows how our visioneering background and project management process from Theme Parks and Entertainment can transfer to this promising new platform," said Marshall Monroe, Chief Creative Officer of Marshall Monroe MAGIC.

The app had 2000 downloads in its first two days, with acclaim and social media word-of mouth spreading quickly. "This is a proprietary shopping interface technology we've developed, and in addition to the funnest, most innovative way to shop for wines, we believe it will prove to be the best way to shop for and search all kinds of filesystems in the near future," said Monroe.

The app features a visually stunning, innovative “Label Gallery” interface where users swipe through thousands of wine labels in a comprehensive dashboard view. Clicking on a label brings up a magazine-like page that includes critical acclaim and pedigree specifics, winery background, region, varietal, and even an interactive geo-location “tour.” Smart filters let users quickly find the perfect wine, then save or purchase and ship orders directly from the app.

To Download the App--> Here
For Additional Information at MMMagic -->Here
For Information from -->Here
Early App Review--> Wine Enthusiasts Rejoice...

September 1, 2009 - Spaceport America- Upham, NM

Spaceport America Construction

After 3 years of planning and public/private relationship building, it is exciting to see the preliminary construction of the site development at Spaceport America. "The runway is 10,000 ft long by 200 ft. wide. ...large enough to almost be seen from," said Marshall Monroe.

Spaceport America is a $300 Million Economic Development project in the state of New Mexico with strategic partnerships with Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic Venture, Lockheed Martin, and a host of other aerospace businesses.
Marshall Monroe Magic has served as a strategic planning, preliminary design, campaign development, and business development consultant for the project.

February 2, 2009 - Virgin Galactic - London, UK

Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson's commercial tourism space venture, has signed an historic 20-year lease with Spaceport America, located in Southern New Mexico. Relatedly, the announcement comes just weeks after the FAA has issued formal certification and licensing to the New Mexico Spaceport Authority. Spaceport America will be the world headquarters for the Virgin Companies' space travel venture, which features WhiteKnightTwo, a launch vehicle designed and engineered by Burt Rutan. "It has been a sincere pleasure working with Governor Richardson, the Virgin Galactic team, the folks at Scaled Composites, and a first-class international design group on this project. From Philippe Starck and AECOM to our local A&E crews, all the talented contributors have helped to make this an 'all systems go' success. It seems so fitting when I think back to the first project I worked on as an Imagineer at Disney in the 1980's - it was Star Tours - a theme park simulator ride we designed with George Lucas that took guests on a fantasy space tourism ride. Now 20 years later here we are building the real thing!" said Marshall Monroe. The MMMAGIC team served as conceptual design and planning consultants in the early stages of the project. Roadways and construction for the facility are now underway and on track for 2010 completion.

October 27, 2008 - American Institute of Architects - Santa Fe, New Mexico

Marshall Monroe gave a keynote address to the Western Mountain Region of the AIA on the theme of "Destination Magic," with comments on the future and potential of the architecture. The AIA's conference, with a theme of "Spirit in Architecture," was a tight fit with Monroe's philosophy and depth of thought on the potential of design in our world. Monroe's comments included a visual presentation of his firm's current projects, with many thoughts and suggestions regarding creative workflows and process. "I believe this is a defining moment for the architecture industry in our country. Not only do the designers need to embrace a more bio/eco awareness in design, but the info/digital dimensions of placemaking requires new thinking as well." Monroe noted.

February 24, 2008 - NM Film and Media Strategy - Los Angeles, CA

No Country for Old Men, a film by Joel Ethan Coen, shot principally in New Mexico, "Stole the Show" at the 80th Academy Awards™ ceremony this year. The film was awarded best director(s), best picture, best supporting actor, and best writing - screenplay based on material previously produced or published. "The grand success of the film is testament to the talent and teamwork of our exciting film and digital media strategy and cluster in New Mexico. Many players contribute to such a success and they should be proud," said Marshall Monroe, former Chairman of the New Mexico State Film Commission and champion of the state's economic development strategy for film and media. The Film and Media Strategy, under Governor Bill Richardson, has resulted in an estimated $1.5B in economic impact. "...and we're just getting started..." remarked Monroe.

November 16, 2007 - NM Film and Media Initiative - Santa Fe, NM

U.S. Presidential Candidate and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson announced today that since taking office, his Film and Media initiative - a project for which Marshall Monroe MAGIC provided early-stage leadership and strategic planning - has brought 85 feature films and over $1.2 billion in economic impact to the state. The project has become a flagship economic development success story for New Mexico and the nation, and continues to grow in momentum with the recent announcement that SONY Imageworks will be opening a visual effects and animation satellite studio in Albuquerque, NM. Marshall Monroe - NM Film Commission Board Member - and Barry Weiss, SVP Animation Production for SONY Imageworks, participated in a recent panel at the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) in Santa Fe, NM, to discuss emerging media futures and implications.

October 14, 2007 - NM Film and Media Initiative - Reston, VA

Marshall Monroe presents his latest research and insights on Organizational Transformation and Advanced Communications Technology to Intelligence Community Planning Conferenc -, Marshall Monroe, a sought-after guest speaker for senior leadership planning and visioning workshops, gave a stimulating and thought-provoking presentation to leaders of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The presentation served to inform on-going progress in one of the largest and most complex organizational transformation initiatives in the world today.

August 2, 2007 - Conceptual Visioning for Children’s Hospital - Albuquerque, NM

MMMAGIC Engaged to Create Creative Conceptual Vision for Children's Hospital Playspace. MMMagic will be conceptualizing creative scenarios and new technologies for a state-of-the-art playground for the new $400 million Barbara and Bill Richardson Pavilion at the University of New Mexico Children's Hospital. The playground will be a signature icon for the facility and will leverage stories and references from the rich cultural and environmental heritage of New Mexico.

July 14, 2007 - Creative Visioning for Virgin Galactic/Spaceport - London, UK

MMMAGIC Engaged to Provide Creative Visioning and Planning Services for the First Ever Purpose Built Spaceport, working with Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic Business Unit, worl- renowned style designer Philippe Starck, and New Mexico's Spaceport America Initiative. The Marshall Monroe Magic Team will be providing conceptual design and planning materials for this futuristic project, mixing their expertise with advanced technologies, strategic planning, and experience master planning. The project team includes global project engineering management leader AECOM, A&E, as well as Urban Planning groups.

June 2, 2007 - Experimental Computer Animation - Nashville, TN

MMMAGIC Engaged to Deliver Creative and Experimental Computer Animation for Music Video Release. MMMagic will be using their Creative Storytelling Artistry and New Digital Animation Speed-Studio to produce this revolutionary visual production. DEVELOPING...

April 11, 2007 - Technology Futures Presentation at OSC - Chantilly, VA

Monroe to Give Technology Futures Presentation to Open Source Center's Annual Planning Conference. Monroe will give a special presentation entitled "Open Source Futures - The Technology and Sociology of Sharing," to this executive session of government officials and scientists.

January 27, 2007 - Creative Techniques Featured in Upcoming Book - LA, CA

Marshall Monroe Creativity Exercise to be Featured in New Disney Children's Book on Creativity. Monroe's exercise "Your Idea Zoo" will be featured in the up-coming companion book "The Imagineering Workout." The new book, in production due to popular demand for the original "Workout," will be customized for young children. The original book featured Monroe's exercise "The Idea Diary," an exercise for professional Creative visioning.

November 30, 2006 - Marshall Monroe Magic featured in Fast Company Article - Albuquerque, NM

Marshall Monroe MAGIC featured in Fast Company. Article explores the notion of "MAGIC," as envisioned by M. Monroe.

October 17, 2006 - Marshall Monroe Magic Produces “Haute Aire” for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta - Albuquerque, NM

MMAGIC Creates and Produces Original Live Entertainment Production "Haute Aire," for World's Largest International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta The production, featuring Grammy™ award winners Jamie O'Neal and Marty Stuart, added a dazzling acoustic dimension to one of the world's most unique visual experiences. The event is attended by over 1,000,000 people over a ten-day period.

May 27, 2006 - Marshall Monroe Delivers Commencement Address at Albuquerque Academy - Albuquerque, NM

MARSHALL MONROE Delivers Commencement Address to the Albuquerque Academy Graduating Class of 2006 and Their Families, Relatives and Friends. The Albuquerque Academy is the premier independent/private 6-12 secondary school in the Southwest. In 2005, the school, along with DisneyLand, celebrated 50 years since its founding.

May 6, 2006 - Marshall Monroe Magic Announces Initiative for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta - Albuquerque, NM

MARSHALL MONROE MAGIC Announces Creative Strategy Initiative with the worl-rRenowned Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. The AIBF, founded in 1972, is the world's premier ballooning event with over 1 million guests over 10 days, showcasing 850 balloons from 21 countries. "It is such a pleasure to bring our strategy and design resources to bear on this phenomenal event. Our focus will be enhancing the guest experience in many ways and exploring business development opportunities," said Monroe. The event is held each year in Albuquerque, New Mexico, over two weekends in mid-October.

May 1, 2006 - Marshall Monroe Magic Announces Creative Strategy Initiative for Grace Church - Houston, TX

MARSHALL MONROE MAGIC Announces Creative Strategy Initiative with Grace Church in Suburban Houston, TX. The initiative will involve a comprehensive master planning and design visioning exercise, with a focus on guest experience innovation. The project will embody MMMagic's signature integration of virtual, physical, and programmatic experience planning.

April 19, 2006 - Marshall Monroe Magic completes work with City of Albuquerque on Tricentennial Towers - Albuquerque, NM

Mayor of Albuquerque "Illuminates" the Monumental Tricentennial Gateway Towers and Sconces via Live Remote Broadcast from the City's Tricentennial Gala. The Gateway installation, a public art initiative, was a $1.1 million collaborative project involving Marshall Monroe Magic and is intended to capture the rich heritage and culture of this great Southwestern city. Albuquerque, New Mexico was founded in 1606 by Francisco Cuervo y Valdez.

February 19, 2006 - Marshall Monroe Magic successfully completes preliminary fit and testing on Tricentennial Towers Project - Albuquerque, NM

The superstructures for the monumental Tricentennial Towers was assembled for preliminary fit and testing this week. The superstructures, consisting of over 100 tons of steel and standing a towering 63 feet tall, will be decorated with hand-crafted steel decorative panels and will be relocated to their final resting place near Albuquerque's Old Town historic district in mid-April this year.

January 3, 2006 - Marshall Monroe appointed to the National Intelligence Science Board - Washington, D.C.

MARSHALL MONROE today accepted an appointment to the Director of National Intelligence's Intelligence Science Board. Monroe, a recognized expert in creative process and storytelling, as well as information communication, interaction, and technology innovation, will be joining this prestigious organization chartered to study and make recommendations regarding science and technology strategy for the U.S. Intelligence Community. "My intention is to deliberately expand the limits of the Western definition of the boundaries of science. We are in a new era and the conventional cartography, borders, compartmentalization, and limitations of science must be transcended. It is an exciting time to be making this contribution," said Monroe.